Sunday, June 17, 2012


Father's Day has always been complicated for me.  Why?  Probably because I think too much about things that can never be changed... but that is who I am.  The product of an uninvolved biological representation of "father" and emotionally unavailable legal representation of "father" it is easy to wallow in the thought of what I never had.  That isn't fair though.  To do that would be to ignore the fact that I have been blessed in my life with many representations of "father" who have, knowingly or not, banded together to do a fantastic job of giving me love, support, and confidence when I needed it the most.  This Father's Day I would like to thank all of the men who have had a positive influence on the person I have become.

I also have to say thank you to Jeff.  Thank you for being the best father I could ever hope for, for our children.  Thank you for your endless patience, support and guidance for them.  Even on days like today when they are acting like total spoiled jerk faces, they love you more than you will ever know.

Happy Father's Day

Saturday, June 9, 2012

We made it.

More on all of this after I have recuperated.

Mommy's preoperative therapy session.

Pre Op
Jeff all ready to go back for the
anesthesia portion of the adventure
My brief stay in the
waiting area alone.
Waking up in post op recovery.
Everything went very well.